The Best Location For A Hinged Door or Hinged Window Task
In every case we say that the sensor needs to feel the task happening to report it accurately. For a hinged motion task, this means the sensor should be placed on the door or window, as far from the hinges as possible. The sensor is sensitive to metal and magnetic objects, so be sure to place it away from those objects.
The Best Location For A Sliding Door or Sliding Window Task
The specific placement of a sensor does not matter much here as long as the sensor is installed on the panel of the window or door that will actually move. The only condition is that the sensor needs to be mounted vertically.
The Best Location For A Garage Door Task
For a sensor to register a garage door, the sensor needs to change from a vertical orientation to a horizontal one. As long as the sensor feels the full range of motion, it will trigger an alert.
The Best Location For A Sounding Alarm Task
Your Notion sensor should be installed where it can hear the sound created by your UL-listed smoke or carbon monoxide alarm. This means the sensor needs to be mounted on the same surface as your smoke alarm, approximately 6 inches away.
The Best Location To Detect Water Leaks
Mounting a sensor to detect a water leak is extremely flexible. In a lot of cases you would not even need to remove the adhesive backing as long as you know the sensor will stay put. The only trick is to make sure that the bottom of the sensor will actually feel the water that you are trying to detect. This means the sensor needs to be at the lowest point in the area where water will collect. The sensor cannot be on a pedestal and there cannot be anything that would block potential water leaks from flowing to the sensor.
Other Thoughts
Notion Sensors can be susceptible to wireless interference in extreme situations. If you are hoping to measure the temperature inside your freezer, the sensor will probably have a hard time connecting to your bridge due to interference of the metal freezer door. Additionally the batteries in the sensor will expire much faster due to colder temperatures.
The same applies to sensors outdoors. The construction is weather-resistant but not weather-proof, so a heavy rain or melting snow may damage your sensor, and it may be difficult for a sensor to maintain a connection to your bridge if the signal needs to travel through an exterior wall.
Finally, sensors have a certain range. However, the average home has many different sources of interference including construction and other wireless signals, so it’s best to be aware of that when placing your sensors. Click here to learn more about interference.
If you want some inspiration on where to install your sensors, click here for more info.
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