If you weren't already aware, Notion is capable of monitoring many different functions without worrying about different types of sensors for different jobs. You can take advantage the different tasks in a few contexts to protect the safety of your family.
The exact implementation of Notion for this purpose varies wildly on the specific areas of concern and the age of your family, but the beauty of Notion is that the same sensor will address your needs without any modifications. I'll provide a few examples below.
For Infants
Everyone knows there are a few steps to take when baby-proofing your home. Make sure the kids can't reach any harmful chemicals and don't let them play with anything small enough to choke on. Notion can supplement this practice using a hinged window task to alert you if the the cabinet with the cleaning supplies is opened, or a vertical sliding window task on the railing to the crib to alert you if the rail slides down unexpectedly.
For Toddlers
When the kiddos get big enough to run around the house on their own, a Notion sensor on the pantry door can help you make sure the kids aren't getting into the fruit snacks when they shouldn't be. We also see a lot users install Notion on their exterior doors so they know if their children are going out to the playground by themselves.
For Elementary School kids
Protecting your home directly protects your family in every case, but when your kids are young and forgetful, sensors on the outside doors (especially the garage door) can help you make sure they are not being left open after play time. A leak sensor near the tub or under the sink can also help protect from particularly rowdy bath times.
For highschoolers
At the age where kids start getting into trouble, Notion can help you keep tabs on your teenager by making sure they're coming home before curfew and not trying to sneak out when they shouldn't be. Sensors on the doors can help accomplish this, and a sensor on the liquor cabinet can protect from the unintended party at home.
For the Elderly
For the elderly relative living at home, Notion can help track how they are moving around using sensors on internal doors. then a sensor on the medicine cabinet can help alert you to know if they are taking any medications they need when they need them.
The examples above are all good places to start, but they are not exhaustive. If you come up with any other good uses for how Notion can help you and your family, we're always open to suggestions. Feel free to reach out at support@getnotion.com or by phone at (877)668-4660.
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