Why You Should Install A Notion Sensor To Detect A Water Leak
If you haven't already heard, Notion is capable of many different functions all through one single sensor. Among the coolest features is the integrated water leak detector. If you have experienced water leaks in the past or if you are worried about leaks in the future, Notion could be the answer.
Leaks can come from many different sources around your home. Maybe your plumber made a mistake when he installed your faucet and it's dripping. Or perhaps you have an old water heater and you're worried that the rusty fitting could break loose. Or maybe you live in a part of the world prone to flooding from storms. Whatever the motivation, Notion can help alert you about possible threats to your home.
Where To Place A Sensor To Detect A Water Leak
When leaks are the primary concern, the number of sensors that you need is dependent on the layout and potential problem zones in your house. On the bottom of the sensor are 2 brass pins, and these are what need to get wet in order to alert you to a leak. This generally means you need one sensor for each potential source of water in your home. We generally see users install one sensor for their washing machine, one for their dishwasher, one under their hot water heater and maybe one in an AC unit drip pan. If a few of those things are in your basement together, or if you are worried about floods due to weather, then one sensor at a low point where water would pool first is also wise. You know your home best and you get to decide which locations you'd like to prioritize. The beauty of Notion here is the adaptability and modular nature that allows you to add and move sensors as necessary.
What To Do After A Sensor Detects A Water Leak
After a sensor detects a water leak, the pins will dry out and it will go back to monitoring for leaks as it did when it was new. Sensors are water resistant, but a major leak that submerges the sensor may result in some water on the inside. This should not affect the sensor in the long run, but we recommend opening the sensor to let the inside dry out. Twist the white body of the sensor counter-clockwise to remove it from the gray baseplate. Then just leave it open in a dry area for 24-48 hours before closing it and placing it back in its original location.
It's entirely up to you how you would like to implement Notion for water leaks. These are a few examples that have worked well for our existing users and we hope they can help save you from water damage in your home.
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